Another long stretch, but hoping to be more regular

The Fiberistas behind JK Fiber Arts and Knit,Knot & Weave!!

Hey guys, this is Joan, the person behind the blog “FugueStateKnits.” I have decided to create  a video podcast on YouTube after being greatly inspired by the podcasts of the two ladies on the right in the picture above - and I really am trying to figure out some things:

First - just who do I think I am? I am no better and probably no worse than other crafters out there.  What the hell do I have to add other than age, wisdom and orneriness?

Second - Do I have the technology and know-how to do this? Working on that - just updated to a laptop that I think has enough “stuff” in it, a decent iPhone to record, and there’s always the wonder of YouTube to upload to. Watch this space….

Third - Do I have the self-discipline to regularly post videos when I haven’t posted on this blog regularly in years? Work takes up a lot of my time still - and at 70, that’s unusual.  But then I started the full time work gig 10 years later than many of my cohorts after being a SAHM then a law student most of that time.  I think this is the biggest question to be honest.

Fourth - what should I even name the thing? I am an avid knitter, in case you didn't notice, but I’ve also picked up a few other habits crafts in recent years: weaving (rigid heddle’s good enough for me, LOL), spinning (yarn, not on a stationary bike - the Death of Big was enough for me- IYKYK!), cross-stitch (hello floss-tube!)and I would love to begin punch needle embroidery when I have the (gulp) time. And not to forget crochet - I kinda put that with knitting. 

Anyway, the husband has told me that Fuguestateknits is too hard for people to understand, spell, pronounce, or remember.  And to be fair, it doesn’t really apply to all that I love.  I was thinking of a tag line that says, “This IS your grandma’s [insert craft here}”

After all, folks, I’ll be 71 in just a couple of months.  When I started this blog, I had just turned 50!

Thing is, I am really attached to the FugueState idea - the implication that when we sit down to enjoy our crafting, we go to a happier place, a place of creation when the world destroys, a world of connection where so often we are divided by the power hungry, a world of peace where there is so much war. 

I love the musical aspects of the fugue - be it a modern piece of music or the timeless beauty of a creation by my First Boyfriend, JSBach. The word “fugue” comes from the Latin (or Greek??) for flight - which makes both musical and psychological sense.  Think Agatha Christie in the weeks after she experienced two heartbreaking major losses - and the manic energy of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.  

Or here’s an example of  a really cool rendition of Widor’s Toccata from his Symphony No. 5 played by the talented Nancy S — a dear friend, who kindly allowed me to play the tympani at the end with the amazing brass players.  This is from Easter of 2018, Nancy’s last one with us.  She retired that year and is now living closer to her son in another state - after being widowed about year later.

We were so lucky and so spoiled to have her with us in those days.  Luckily we knew it and one of our group videoed this so we could preserve the memory.

Anyway, back to the task at hand: John —the husband —suggested I ask the Milennials what name I should use before the Grandma byline, so I will run it by the Gen X’ers, Millennials, and Gen Whateverelses are here for dinner this evening.  If anyone still reads this thing and has an idea please let me know!!!


As previous installments of what has become this interminable blog probably illustrate, I’m still working as an attorney representing children and in my spare time try to take an occasional minute for crafting and making music.I took a few years off from church music after a few false starts at the Baltimore Cathedral and St. Pete’s down the street - and of course after the COVID pandemic. This year I’m trying again - after filling in for bell choir now and then last year. Trying to stay consistent with choir, too, singing tenor for now.

Last December we did manage to move into a lovely 2-bedroom apartment about 2 miles from the house we lived in. That required a lot of unloading of accumulated “stuff” in a short period of time. I still have far too much yarn — and acquired another spinning wheel (yikes!!)— but it was such a relief!

Penny the Wondercat and “co-counsel” is still with us:)!

On yet another sad note, we’ve had a couple more deaths in the family. My poor husband has lost two sibs and a brother-in-law in the past year. Life has gotten all too real as we age. And it doesn’t get easier to say goodbye to loved ones.  

And on a truly happy note, our wonderful stepmother made a family reunion possible at the beginning of this month. It was so wonderful to see my brother and their families and to see our adult kids and grandkids meet up with their cousins! 

Welp, gotta go - need to finish this and get ready for rehearsal before this morning’s service.  Will end with a few pics of current projects on the needles. 

Until next time, God be with you ‘til we meet again!:)


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