Runs, hits, and errors...

I don't have a picture of the progress made on the Rhapsody in Cables sweater, but progress I've made.  Unfortunately, it was made at the expense of much-needed sleep.  I simply could not sleep last night, so I figured if I stayed up knitting, I'd eventually get tired, but for some reason, I just kept on knitting.  Soon, it was too late to go back to bed and I was showering, getting dressed and ready to go to services at the Cathedral and choir practice.  Duly caffeinated, I drove to the next town over from me only to find that I was likely a danger to myself and others behind the wheel.  After pulling over and issuing a rather shame-faced email to the music director, I drove home and attempted a couple of hours of sleep before the firm barbecue this afternoon. Even then I could not sleep.  But I got enough horizontal rest to allow me to get to the party without causing an accident. 
The poor DH broke his toe a couple of nights ago and foolishly thought he could work his usual graveyard shift on his feet.  By the time the poor thing got home, his toe was throbbing and he could barely get to sleep, let alone accompany me to the barbecue.  Instead, he slept and I attended.
The firm picnic was lovely.  The children of my colleagues were all there, having a wonderful time.  All of them - big and small - were adorable! Though I fear their parents will now be peeling them off their respective ceilings from the sugar highs they all had, LOL!:) I had a really nice time chatting with my colleagues and meeting one of their dear doggie:) - she was so sweet!
After many thanks and goodbyes, I left for home and prepped the kitchen for my eldest and her three kids along with the rest of us here at home.  Then the Penultimate Child, B, prepared a lovely dinner.  Thank. God. I wasn't fit for much more than pizza delivery when I got home.  Instead, we all got a healthy dinner of chicken, asparagus and air-fried potatoes.  Yum.  It was wonderful to see the three youngest grands, though I was sorry their cousins couldn't make it.
Nothing much more to report, so I will leave it here. Until next time,
God be with you 'til we meet again:)+


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