Just a quick post before getting back to work...

Work is progressing on the Greenwood - am so close! The front and back are done and crocheted (yes, a bit of a departure from the pattern, but it works best for me) and the bottom ribbing started. I figured that would be the most stitches, then I would do the cuffs, then the cowl neck. THEN the blocking. So far, so good, though I did not get enough stitches for the bottom ribbing as I had hoped, fingers crossed it's not too narrow! I did try the unblocked sweater on and it fit just fine, so if it stretches in the blocking all the better:)!

Last week, I was in a meeting for which I did not need to write notes (a summary would be provided at the end), so I needed to keep my hands busy and on a whim, picked up this gradient yarn from Joann's for only 5 dollars - couldn't resist. It will make a nice cowl - am knitting as I go, doing a sampler of simple lace and knit/purl patterns I can do with my eyes (almost) closed.
Finally, what does a knitter, who has about 55 projects on the needles (to which she will admit;)) when she's about done with two projects (the Acorn for BS is making progress, too, just don't have any pics at this point)??
Why start a new project, of course:)! I found a designer on ravelry who just knocks my socks off. And I saw it in a color way I don't normally wear, however, the way the colors occur, I could get away with it, and so I shall. Say hello to Acorn:
Junko Okamoto is fabulous.
Well, bye for now. Have to get to 2 client visits and then I FINALLY get to choir prax tonight! Yay:)!
God be with you 'til we meet again+


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