Back again (I know, right?)

I decided to skip church today (oh nooooooo!) and slept in a little bit.  I have a client visit I will be leaving to do in about an hour and wanted to post a little more about my knitting. 
Lately, we've been through a bit of a rollercoaster here at das Haus der FugueStateKnits. Surgery for myself and one of our daughters within weeks of each other, healing and getting strength back, catching up at work, financial worries that we are finally dealing with and for which we have a hopefully workable game plan, one daughter getting ready to move out to pursue her doctorate in anthropology and a teaching fellowship at American University, a son in and out while honing his skills as an actor, another daughter and her husband deciding to go for a short sale of their home because its value has gone "upside down," all good and all challenging, each in their own way. And each a virtual talisman for the experience of today's American Every(wo)man.
In the midst of this, there has not been a lot of time for knitting except when one has the energy at night after dealing with one's duties for the day. I have a yarn stash that is bordering on the ridiculous. To coin a statement my DH used to say when one of the kids would behave like a prima donna, "There are too many people in this family for you to act like that."  I never knew what to make of that statement. Was it like his father's maxim, "Don't think: it hurts the team"? I certainly hope not. Anyone taking even the briefest of looks at our many progeny would note that uniformity is not our strong suit! They are each so varied in their pursuits, in the paths they have taken or continue to take. That alone could be the subject of an entire blog! But John did have a point when he said this. We have to live together and work together to stay alive, to grow, to become what we are meant to be. And selfishness cannot be a part of the equation. Self-expression, personal growth, self-realization, however, MUST be, else we have all done something wrong.  But when does self-realization devolve into selfishness?
While all of this "stuff" was going on, and while I was off work, healing from the surgery, I was determined NOT to do anything but work on my existing projects, or, if I did start something new, it would come from stash.  Spending money on yarn, and other things knitterly at that point would have been supremely stupid and downright selfish. 
However, recently, I've decided to start a bunch of new projects.  I decided to do this for the following reasons: (1) there was a bit of an easing up financially, (2) I was rewarding myself for doing well in a number of things, (3) I wasn't feeling as guilty about treating myself, and (4) I finally realized that's the way I function - I start a bunch of projects and at some point, frog the ones I know I'm not going to finish to use the yarn for something that is more appropriate/suitable/rings my chimes.  OK, this must seem like such a silly and self-absorbed discussion, but there's too much of the puritan in me to not go through this hideous self-analysis.  I'm sure Herr Doktor Freud would have a field day with me!  What I will say is if I have to have one addiction in my life, let it be good yarn! It won't make me fat, I don't have to prostitute myself for it, I don't make bad associations with it and good things can happen with it (like gifts for family, friends and myself). 
To assist further in this conscience-soothing, last month I finally finished two additional projects:
Jared Flood's Guernsey Wrap
This was so easy to do and was never boring, since the pattern changed on a regular basis.  I didn't make it as long as it was supposed to originally be, but it was certainly long enough.  It was going to be for the Prayer Shawl ministry at my church, but John liked it so much, I had to give it to him.  It's really his style and will look great with his grey coat in winter. So I'll have to make another one for PSM.

I also FINALLY finished the February Lady Sweater for Dori:
I ran out of yarn at the sleeves, so I did short-row sleeves and then repeated the gull lace pattern as an edging.  She liked it. It's a little large, but it's long enough for her tall frame and I think it will look great as with a long sleeved shirt underneath.

I mentioned three new projects - actually it's four come to think of it.  I posted my picture of Clue#1 of the Westknits Mystery KAL.  I liked Stephen West's instructions so well, that I also got the Spectra and decided to do that in these colors:

And while I was at it, I started this beauty:
I am doing it in KnitPicks Wool of the Andes in their Currant color.  It's actually darker and more purpley-brown than this picture suggests.  This is the left sleeve.  I decided to do the sleeves first and then work on the body.  You may wonder why I'm knitting two sweaters (actually more, but that's for a later post).  I've decided I will need some interim and some goal sweaters.  This one will be an interim one.  I couldn't fit into it now, but anticipate fitting into it in the fall:)

Well, gotta go see that client.  More to come.  Until next time, God be with you 'til we meet again!


joannamauselina said…
I should take your message to heart. No guilt here about buying new yarn, but definite guilt about starting new projects. Go figure! I have been knitting my Eala Bahn for months and am thoroughly sick of it. I know that if I take a vacation from it for something more fun, I will not get back to it for a long time. Now I am torn. I got yarn for a lovely (I hope) little shawlette and I desperately want to start it. Be strong, Joanna. It will still be there in the not so far future. I am 3/4 done with EB, and have to forge on. Ugh. Then I will start at least three new projects to comfort and reward myself.
Retired Knitter said…
Love the pictures, and did you change your blog background. Looks nice.

I deal at times with guilt about buying yarn to add to my store-level size stash. But a friend told me to stop feeling guilty. If it gives you pleasure to buy it and to own it, and to just look at it and it doesn't hurt you financially to buy it - just enjoy! Life is too short.

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