Unsettled and grateful
It's a cloudy, threatening-to-be rainy Tuesday. I'm caught up with paperwork for the office and have a few things to do in terms of readying myself (or my proxies) for Thursday's hearings. The morning has been a flurry of phone calls about flights and hotel reservations and who is paying for what. It's fine, that's how life happens and it's really OK. Or perhaps better stated, let's not get into the details of what I cannot control:)
Was it Abraham Lincoln who said that most folks are about as happy as they decide to be? I think (with a huge caveat) for the most part he was right. I am so blessed. I have this amazing, intelligent, interesting family - kids and kids-in-law - who have grown up to be people I not only love, but actually LIKE:)! (Whether they return the favor may change from week to week is up for debate, LOL). My grandchildren are infinite sources of surprise and grace. I have a husband who is a good person and a wonderful father and grandfather. My extended family (both John's and mine) is filled with even more truly good, intelligent, funny and loving people. My church community is so dear to me; I get to make music with people who are far more talented and gifted than I and I learn something new all the time. I have friends who care about me and my family. I have a job, ferheavenssake(!), colleagues whom I respect and enjoy working with, and clients for whom I hope to make a difference.
So what in blazes would I have to complain about? Nothing! Whatever negatives there may be in my life can be more than overcome by all of the above. In spades.
Just something to do in the evenings in case no one is doing dinner as a group. Well, I'd better get moving and get back to work, unsettled, but grateful.
God be with you 'til we meet again:)
Hope the unsettled feeling dissolves away for you and you find it was nothing after all.