That's what I'm talking about:)

Of course I think he's just perfect and don't you dare tell me otherwise.  Never mind the sweater that Gram knit him is just a little too big.  He'll grow into it (with lots of layers underneath). He's obviously loving the attention from his Mommy:) as Daddy takes the picture! But like most toddlers, he's raring to go and get into anything he can get his hands on.
Just had to share:)
Tonight I participated in a mediation and it went very well. Tomorrow I should find out the particulars for a trip to Austin, TX, get my work in order, and get ready for the trip (i.e. ironing and packing).  Please PLEASE let me get done in time to make it to bell practice - I'd really miss not having any music this week. (Spoiled am I?)
The big question is which knitting project to bring along for the evenings.  Ah I lead such an exciting life!
Wouldn't have it any other way:)
God be with you 'til we meet again!


joannamauselina said…
What an adorable fellow! The sweater looks great.
I used to make Becca's really big, roll up the sleeves, and they lasted for years, rather than months.
Aw thank you:) Ah yes, the old rolling up the sleeves (and the cuffs) thing. Our oldest two made rolling up their jeans a fashion statement in middle school:)!

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