Und Jetzt Etwas Auf Deutsch:) And Now Something in German:)and Swedish

Many thanks to Grainnee for this wonderful "Filmtipp!" I am such a sucker for movies about people who use their talents for others - and the description of this film convinces me it is something I want to see. The title, Wie Im Himmel (As in Heaven). Maybe I will convince one of my Netflicks-using "kids" to allow me to borrow a film from them. I believe it's in Swedish. This clip from YouTube (also lifted from Grainnee's site) is in Swedish with German subtitles. To all my choir singer friends out there in the blogosphere - this hit goes out to you. (I'll try to translate the subtitles and the blurb from the movie website -be kind all you Germans out there!) I've heard it said that Swedish is a nice language to listen to....

My best attempts at translating the words to the song:

Now my life belongs to me
My time on earth is so short
My longing brought me here
What I’ve lost and what I’ve gained
It is the way that I choose
My trust lies with the words
It has shown me a small piece
Of Heaven, that I have not found yet
I want to feel that I live
Every day that I have
I want to live as I wish
I want to feel that I live
To know I was good enough
I have never abandoned my self
I have only allowed it to slumber
Perhaps I never had a choice
Only the will to live
I only want to be happy
That I am how I am
To be strong and free
To see how the night turns into day
I am here
And my life belongs to me
And the Heaven that I sought
I find it anywhere
I want to feel
That I have lived my life.

WIE IM HIMMEL erzählt von einem Musiker, dessen Lebenstraum sich erfüllt, als er nach langer Irrfahrt lernt, die Menschen und sich selbst zu lieben. Ein mitreißender und humorvoller Film über das Abenteuer, sein eigenes Paradies zu finden - ein vielstimmiges und gefühlvolles Meisterwerk.
Der weltberühmte Dirigent Daniel Dareus kehrt nach einem schweren Kollaps in sein schwedisches Heimatdorf zurück. Eigentlich wollte er sich von der Welt zurückziehen, doch als er das Amt des Kantors antritt, findet er über seine Leidenschaft für die Musik auch zu den Menschen zurück. Bei seiner Arbeit mit dem bunt zusammengesetzten Chor der kleinen Gemeinde entfaltet sich vor ihm allmählich ein ganzer Mikrokosmos menschlicher Sorgen und Nöte, und er ist überglücklich, alser erkennt, dass er mit Hilfe der Musik einen Weg in die Herzen der anderen findet. Das ist die Erfüllung seines Traums, mit dem er vor Jahrzehnten aus dieser Gegend aufgebrochen war...

WIE IM HIMMEL tells of a musician, whose life's dream was fulfilled, as he learned after a long odyssey, to love others and himself. An enthusiastic and humor-filled film about the adventure of finding his own Paradise, a deeply harmonious and expressive masterpiece.

The world famous conductor, Daniel Dareus returned to his Swedish home town after a severe collapse. Actually, he wanted to retreat from the world, indeed as he stepped into the office of the cantor, he found through his passion for music his way back to humanity. Through his work with the colorfully composed choir of the small community, gradually evolved before him an entire microcosm of cares and needs, and he is overjoyed, as he recognizes that with the help of music, he finds a way into the hearts of others. This is the fulfillment of his dream, with which he had broken away from this area decades ago.

OK, so I'm a sap - but I really liked this song.

Not much new -I'm totally exhausted; it's been a long day. Had court morning and afternoon and had to be in two courtrooms at once (at least it was in the same courthouse!) and then visited a few clients afterwards, and ran an errand, came home to a rearrangement of my desk area which I really liked that John did (bless his heart!) and then promptly fell asleep sitting up on the couch.

Rah. so of course now I'm wide awake.

But tomorrow's another day o' court and I must get up early, so I must go. I have done precious little knitting today, but I will play EZ's DVD of the Knitting Workshop (Thank you Betsy). It's a mental form of comfort food:)

Saturday is World Wide Knitting in Public day, is it not? Let's all get out there! Whoo hoo! I'm looking forward to it!

God be with you 'til we meet again!



hi, hi, hi,
thank you for introducing me to this movie...

greetings from Switzerland
Unknown said…
No Swedish is not melodic. Anyway, I loved this. It seems like just the sort of film I'd enjoy and even thought the singing was not in English, one could still feel the emotion.
Chris said…
The film is translated into german, but the song is sung in swedish. And the film is so... it touches deep inside (sorry, my English is sometimes awfull and I'm looking for the right words)

I came here to see who's linking me *smile* and I send you best wishes from germany
Chris - Grainnee
Christa and Colin - isn't it beautiful? I really loved hearing the song, whatever the language. Chris- Grainee - thank you for sending this out into the "blogosphere"!

Christa und Colin - ist er nicht schoen? Es gefaellt mich ganz, das Lied zu hoeren, was auch immer die Sprache ist. Chris - Grainee - danke sehr, dass Du diesen Film heraus in die "Blogosphaere" gesendet hast!

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