OK, Enough with the Politics - back to knitting and other things:)!

Hello, dear 3.5 readers! Hope things have been well with you.  It's been a little while since I last posted and my knitting has been really catch-as-catch-can -- more so than most weeks.  I have been on a visiting clients blitz - some catching up and some getting ready for upcoming hearings. In the past few weeks, I've seen over 40 clients - a very good thing. Last week has had its ups and downs, a case was closed that I felt needed more time for the child to adjust, but other clients did very well. Things at work are OK for now, but in the current economic atmosphere, nothing is ever certain.  I still have hope, though and take one day at a time.
Bell practice went well.  We started a couple of new, more challenging pieces - unnerving, but in a good way, LOL!  Choir was wonderful - we're working on the Bach Cantata No. 4 (Christ Lag' in Todesbanden) for Easter.  Way cool.  I even put together a German pronunciation guide for the choir which can be found here.  Hopefully it will help, but who knows?
In the interim, having nothing else to do, I started knitting up what I thought was going to be another scarf, but I now think will be frogged to make a sweater for a special baby - one I am not going to say anything about for awhile.  Watch this site for news.... I'm also considering crocheting a version of a blanket that appears in this month's Vogue Knitting magazine - we'll see! 
Anyway... tonight I am going to my dear friend, Diane's house for dinner with a few friends.  She got wind of the fact that Monday is my birthday and got some friends together.  We're going to watch Simon Burch - my all-time favorite movie - and have a wonderful dinner cooked by Diane and Nancy and Linda and Rennie and Bill.  Unfortunately, John can't be there - but he has something planned for tomorrow and Monday.  Fun thing about being born near Valentine's Day, LOL:)
Well, dear readers, I'm going to get ready for dinner and count my many blessings! Be back soon - until then, GBWYTWMA+


joannamauselina said…
I LOVE "Christ lag in Todesbanden" (sp?). I wish we would sing it. The amazing St. James children's choir sings a couple of movements, and it was always Rachael's favorite. And mine to listen too, but so far haven't gotten the opportunity to perform it. Lucky you! The yarn is very nice too.
Unknown said…
Okay, so spill, how old are you? Old enough to know better than to knit with Dralon?!!!!
Joanna - I do too - it's one of my favorites! When one studies how the music and words tie together, it's really an inspiring experience. Unfortunately, I think we're going to be singing this in English (bummer)due to time constraints.
colin - 55 and what's Dralon???

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