What's new in YOUR life?

I always say "not much" and then go into a laundry list of details. Anyway, this weekend was.... well, interesting. I gave blood Saturday morning without incident - or so I thought. Then Diane picked me up so John could use the car with A/C and off we went to see Olney Theatre Center's production of The Rabbit Hole - a well acted play about a very sad topic: the loss of a child. The set was state of the art and the acting was superb. We thoroughly enjoyed this thoughtful exploration of the pain of loss, its impact on the characters' other relationships, and the very unique personal expression of grief. I found myself really liking the protagonists - people who found their lives horribly altered, yet wanting to remain good people despite terrible odds. You feel for these people and you never ever want to be in their place.
After the play, home, a little bit of e-mailing and a small supper. Then, but 6:30 I had to get to sleep. I was feeling weak and shaky and achy and wondered if I should call the Red Cross 800 number, but wait, this wasn't West Nile Virus, LOL - it was exhaustion just made a little worse by having given blood. So, I toddled off to bed for what I thought would be a two-hour nap or so - and woke up at 8:30 the next morning! I missed church, which was OK by me because it's never the same when someone else is in the organ loft (but I really don't like to do that!). The rest of the day prepping for John's work guests was spent with a case of the shakes and blurry vision, but after some lunch and a lot of water, I was feeling a lot better. After dinner and drinks and dessert and some good conversation watching some of the Olympic games, our guests left. I can safely say a good time was had by all, LOL! But I'm still kind of wiped out. Funny. I gave blood in 1972 and had similar symptoms, but had totally forgotten it. I just need to drink more water and lay off the other stuff, LOL! (I was referring to diet sodas - high in sodium - and coffee!)
OK that was majorly boring! What else is new? There's a possibility I may be starting with someone in a new business venture. We'll see. It's just an idea right now, but it could be something really good. Again, we'll see.
On the work front every day is something new, none of which I can safely discuss here, so ....
On the knitting front, I've done some of my ravelympics work on a lace sampler scarf I'm making for someone for Christmas. It's in a bunch of neutral colors. I started with ye olde feather and fan and moved on to a pattern I found here . I think I'll stick with this pattern until the last five inches and then back to feather and fan for a little symmetry. Hope the recipient likes it:)
And of course, I'm obsessed with how good the beaded swatch for the SOTS-III turned out, so I took some pics in daylight and am posting them here.
Well, it is a Monday, though I've missed a meeting this morning because I felt so cruddy - and it appears there are no pending shelter hearings, so I'm in the clear there. And my paperwork is done, so all I have to do is drop it off to the office. So I need to return calls and arrange some visits, which I can do in a few minutes. I think I'll go get some sunlight and then back to work!

Bye 'til later!


joannamauselina said…
The same thing happened to me the last time I gave blood, and now I feel guilty because I just can't bring myself to do it again. It was awful because I had to lie in a spare gurney at work till time to go home, then staggered home, then slept for about 15 hours. I am fatter now, so it may be OK, but I have donation fears. Maybe when I have a week off, I will try it again. Knitting all looks lovely.
Wish it were because I was too thin- total opposite problem, LOL! Maybe that's the problem - my body is a stingy hoarder!
Oh well, I still think I'll do it again it's not so bad.
Take care and thanks for the comments!
Unknown said…
I'm on the fluffy side - by a mile or two so we'll see what happens to me with my first donation - if they'll take it - in a few weeks. I'll up my fluids before and after - thanks for the hints.

Knitting as always looks great.

Shame for teasing us... please tell, pretty please, will ya, will ya?

Do you know if the script for the play is published? It sounds like something I would like to read - might help heal some more even tho it's been quite a few years.

Take care,
Unknown said…
When I wanted to give blood, I found out that I am not allowed to. Seems I have more than one disease that precludes it. CHD is the main one. How odd. Perhaps also because my blood is too full of drugs!
Gail - I'm certain the play was published - it was The Rabbit Hole by David Lindsay-Abaire. You can find it on amazon.com here:
http://www.amazon.com/Rabbit-Hole-David-Lindsay-Abaire/dp/1559362901/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218597047&sr=8-1 .
I am so very sorry you went through this!

Colin - Do you know they asked us if we had lived for 3 months or more in Great Britain????!!! I guess they're freaked about the Mad Cow thing. I thought it was hilarious. When I last gave blood (in 1972, LOL, they just herded us college students in by the dozen, had us give blood, drink some juice, eat a donut and leave. That's when I found out my blood type:)! The times they have changed - and I think YOUR blood should cost more - it comes pre-medicated!:)

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