It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood
This morning's hearing was a bit of a pain because we had to wait through a very busy morning docket, but again, that's ok - gave us the DSS attorney time to attempt a settlement. No go, of course, but always good to try. We're coming back again for another hearing in about 2 months. I've been able to schedule one of the three visits I need to do; luckily they are young adults and I can meet with them later in the day and/or discuss their respective cases over the phone and/or meet up with them for lunch or breakfast to check in with them, so the intense frustration I feel when I can't get ahold of a caregiver for a young child is somewhat abated, LOL!
On the knitting front, I'm plugging away at Colin's sock pattern in hopes of finishing that pair today or tomorrow, then I'm going to get caught up on the SOTS-III and the Chinese Lace pullover.
But for now, it's back to work and then Sip 'n Knit tonight with my knitbuddies!
Such a life:)
Keep plugging away for those kids - they need all the help and support they can get, don't they. Ain't it nice to be one of the good guys.
On the other hand, I missed the sip 'n knit AGAIN!!! and fell asleep before I could even slip a stitch:)
Oh well.....